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The Little Lungs Story

Paige Maenhout

Updated: Jan 24, 2024

At the heart of the Little Lungs culture story, is a devastating loss.

At 15 years old, Paige and Rachel's friend Shane passed away from a preventable medical emergency. During the Terry Fox Run organized by their school, he suffered an asthma attack. He did not have his inhaler.

To this day, they still wonder. What if Shane or his peers had been more safety conscious and made sure he had his inhaler on him that day? What if the people around him had been better prepared to recognize the asthma attack and provide care sooner until the ambulance arrived?

Our mission at Little Lungs centres around this never happening again. Shane should still be here.

When Paige and Rachel had their first babies, they made sure their “village” was trained in First Aid. This led to them to creating workshops to make First Aid training more accessible to parents.

Our successful journey to become a Red Cross Instructor Development Centre allows us to ensure even more community members are confident in their First Aid skills. Our brand has a purpose. Little Lungs makes a real difference in preventing unnecessary injury and death.

No child should ever be lost to a preventable medical emergency.

Thank you for joining us on our journey of No Child Lost.



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