Stay Safe
Confidence saves lives.

​Prerequisite Age 9 to 13 (or 9 in the same calendar year)
Canadian Red Cross Stay Safe Certification
5 hours in class
Practical, Hands-on, Easy to follow
Emphasis on First Aid skills
(more comprehensive than other Home Alone courses!)
Stay Safe Course
Our certified Red Cross instructors demonstrate, share slides, and facilitate learning activities among participants. Each participant will finish this course with the confidence and skills needed to stay home safe.​
Real-world scenarios often call on children to respond to challenges. The Stay Safe! program teaches applicable and age-appropriate skills while increasing and reinforcing a youth’s capacity to improve his or her own safety. Whether in their community or on their own, this group will be given better tools to Stay Safe! in a variety of different situations.
Importance of responsibility and respect while being accountable for yourself
Importance of setting and following rules around safety when staying on your own
How to stay safe at home and within the community
How to prepare, recognize and respond to unexpected situations, (i.e. inclement weather, strangers, unanticipated visits)
First Aid Content:
Check, Call, Care (includes phoning EMS/911), recovery position, conscious choking (adult/child/alone), feeling unwell, asthma (includes use of inhaler and spacer), anaphylaxis (includes the use of EpiPen), poisoning, insect stings, wound care (i.e. minor cuts and scrapes, splinters, nosebleeds, bumps and bruises, life-threatening bleeding, burns)
Course Details
5-hour session
Stay Safe Course Manual Provided
Little Lungs First Aid Kit
At Little Lungs First Aid, we understand how important it is to have a first aid kit that you can trust. Our kit is fully stocked with all the essential items you need to handle any minor emergency, including cuts, scrapes, bruises and burns. With our kit, you can rest assured that your children will be safe if anything happens while they are home alone.